I got euro-ed, guys! I FREAKIN GOT EURO-ED!
On a whim/ dare from Brad Bankos, I got euro-ed.
figure 1: me… age 3
figure 2: me… euro-ed.
I sporadically do things that shock myself. This one is ridic. Yet awesome!
I walked into this random Greek chic hair salon and was shampooed by a woman with a skunked-bob look. The other woman in the salon had a hairdo that fused bleached hair with jet black into a flock-of-seagull. Luckily, neither of these two women cut MY hair. THE MASTER did!
The shampooing woman just kept repeating “just leave it to the imagination,” and used her hands dramatically when she talked. When I asked if she would be cutting my hair, she responded, “No. We will let THE MASTER do it.” [I could only think “THANK GOD!” after seeing her hair.]
I continually confessed [my fears, hopes, and aspirations] to the video camera as Stewart Knight and Brad Bankos cheered me on from the sidelines. The local Euros were entertained as three Americans videotaped the experience. I watched like 5 inches of hair drop to the floor. That’s a heck of a lot, considering that I had gotten a super short cut to last me the four months abroad right before leaving the States.
He snipped and shaved [part of my neck… it was strange]. He spent the last like 15 minutes giving me this asymmetrical rat-tail. [Calling it a rat-tail is an overstatement, but this cut is dramatic enough that I don’t even care.] And if I weren’t crazy, it would already be gone, but I thought, “If it’s EURO, I guess I’ll just have to deal.” The skunked- bob woman even paid special attention to the rat-tail when she Euro-styled my hair even more with wax.
And you know, being Euro is really what it is all about. Being Euro. Looking Euro. Making Euro comments. EVERYTHING EURO! I’ve got 3 more months here, so I plan to crack these jokes for all they’re worth.
As he swept the old me into a pile, THE MASTER asked, “Want to take it with you?” I said no immediately, made a disgusted face, and mentioned to Brad and Stewart how strange it would be to carry a zip-lock of old hairs around Europe and continually hold it into the air as I unpack and repack the bag at each hotel.
I bought a European trench coat without delay to achieve the full effect.
The Davidson folk were truly speechless. And impressed.
Call me EURO-ED.
Oh. My. GOD. You look FANTASTIC. Dare I say...EUROED?!?!?!?! YOU'RE SO HARDCORE!!!
anna marie..you kill me! i effin love you and i will kill you if you ever let a crazy person (other than me) cutyour hair...1st a new yorker so you can have the new york hair cut...now the euro...whats next the african bald do! whew...miss you....oh and i created an account on here just so i could leave you comments!
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